Wednesday, February 26, 2020

407. Triad Princess 極道千金 (2019) Taiwanese

Eugenie Liu, Jasper Liu, Chang Zhang Xing, Hung Yan Siang

Drama Rating: 7/10     Neck Score: A+

I don't know whether to appreciate or loath this Netflix entry into Asian dramas. I like that more are being produced and the better accessibility of it, but they keep trying to Westernize the format too much, which I hate. The thing I like the most about Asian dramas is that they are short, one season shows with a well structured arc that then ends. Triad Princess suffered from this new short seasons crap that is being pulled where they give the drama a 6 episode season and then waffle about there being a next season, so that the drama has to be completely wrapped up, in case there is no second season, but still open ended enough for there to be naturally another season should they decide it was popular enough? I've already had the struggle of waiting what seems like a full year for the next 6 episodes of Kingdom, but that one didn't end so much as pause. This one seems like they hopes to get a second season, but it doesn't look like that's the case, so I am reviewing it now.

So, this show has a lot of promise, but ultimately it seems super rushed, because it only had 6 hours to tell the whole thing. you think there is going to be a bigger conflict between her mistaking him for an ex and then becoming a bodyguard for his co-star, but he doesn't seem to mind/ever figure it out. He must be the chillest star ever, because not only did he just immediately open up to her, but there was an unnaturally fast connection between them that lent itself to a lot of cuteness right away, but also seemed way too rushed. This made the inevitable drama of their breakup (that also happened to fast) seem even more rushed. Basically all I can say about it is that it was a good drama that was rushed into being just an ok drama.

Ultimately though, it's worth it because Jasper Liu is always worth it, and he's adorable in this, flashing that smile with those elephant pjs. He has good chemistry with Euginie Liu as well, and I really loved her as a fangirl who is also a badass gangster. I also love that she bonds with not just him, but becomes a real bodyguard and friend to her actress. I could have watched the show just for their friendship and solving that problem. Sadly, that was another story that got both rushed and left open.

I do wish that there would be another season, but the damage done by rushing it has already been done, so please, just give us full length (12-24 episode) dramas without all the season crap. Seasons are for serials, and dramas are not that. Do that with other types of shows, like sitcoms and leave a perfectly fine format alone. Although some dramas are too long, they don't need to be split up into seasons like this and ruined. The end.