Sunday, January 5, 2014

24. Save the Last Dance for Me 마지막 춤은 나와 함께 (2004) Korean

Ji Sung, Eugene, Lee Bo Young, Ryu Soo Young

Drama Rating: 3/10      Neck Score: B

This show is awful.  It's a double amnesia plot meaning he gets amnesia in a car accident where he forgets who he is, and then gets into another accident that makes him remember everything, but forget the year when he didn't know who he was.  Ji Sung is adorable when he doesn't remember who he is, but then he acts like a jerk when he can't remember Eugene, who he fell in love with during the year he was missing.  But she goes looking for him and that ugly necked other guy is just weird.  And then she becomes crippled in a car accident meant for Ji Sung.  Also, Lee Bo Young is this clingy possessive chick who goes cray cray because she's so obsessed with Ji Sung.  We know what's great about that scenario (knowing grin).  Those two are married now.  I believe this was the drama they met in, but I could be wrong.