Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Things Dudes Don't Do to Other Dudes (#tdddod) or How to Fail the Gender Benders

So, Lizabreff just finished watching To The Beautiful You.  I'm not sure why we started it.  I think we just needed to watch something stupid, so this was perfect, because it was completely stupid.  The thing that it was the worst at was the whole girl dressed up as a guy.

I mean, there is no way that Sulli would pass for a boy ever anyway.  But she didn't even try to act like one.  And from the start Hyun Woo didn't treat her like one... neither did Minho for that matter... instinct?  Cough cough, unlikely.  Anyway, we started this hashtag #tdddod for all those moments when they obviously treated her like a girl, or she obviously was 100% not acting like a dude and no one seemed to care, because it was that bad.

We ended up calling the show Poobutt because that is now my nickname for Minho.  This was the scene that started it all:

For your imaginations, that high pitched voice sounds a little like Toad, but mostly like a high pitched goober.  Oh Minho.  From now on, he will be forever Poobutt.  I know I'm always saying he's like a naughty puppy and needs to be punched in the face, but I liked him a million times more in Because It's the First Time than as this Poobutt.  But maybe that's because this show is so bad...

So anyways, these are some of the #tdddod moments we tweeted out for all.  Because seriously, dudes don't treat each other like that.  Like seriously.

@MarlubsGD: Because dudes totally block other dudes from being splashed by puddles. #ToTheBeautifulYou

lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Mar 20
@MarlubsGD All in favor of starting a Things Dudes Don't Do to Other Dudes tally?

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff have flashy friendship bracelets? #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Mar 20
@MarlubsGD Stroke their face when they're wounded? #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff piggyback willingly #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff share umbrella #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Mar 20
@MarlubsGD Sing cutesy songs to each other #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff get jealous that other dudes are singing cutesy songs to each other. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff hold hands while going off on a blind double date. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff carry other dudes luggage for them when they only have one light piece if luggage. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff BACK. HUG. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff hugs of happiness. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 20
@lizabr3ff stepping sexy forward to pick confetti out of other dude's hair. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Mar 24
@MarlubsGD Offer to share bunk beds. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 24
@lizabr3ff secret garden sit ups? "Do I have a man crush on the poo butt?" #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Mar 24
@lizabr3ff all using pink bowling balls? Aren't those the lightweight ones? #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Mar 24
@MarlubsGD Hold hands while jumping up and down because you're excited about getting a strike? #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Mar 24
@MarlubsGD Seriously, you guys need to hold hands while watching that movie, just to make this way awkward. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Apr 4
@lizabr3ff flirty frosting fights. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Apr 4
@MarlubsGD or flirty soap fights while washing another dude's face because he sprained his wrist... #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Apr 4
@lizabr3ff hey dude, let's watch the meteor shower together. Ok. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Apr 7
@MarlubsGD Pillow fights with magical feathers floating down....Haha, reminds me of #Bromance! #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Apr 7
@lizabr3ff embroidery on shirt. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Apr 11
@lizabr3ff asking who made them cry instead of just making fun of them for crying. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Apr 11
@lizabr3ff cheering up with sock puppets. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Apr 11
@lizabr3ff doing other dude's laundry.  #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 lizabreff ‏@lizabr3ff  Apr 11
@MarlubsGD Telling dudes not to make other dudes cry...or else. #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

 MarlubsGD ‏@MarlubsGD  Apr 11
@lizabr3ff feeding each other with a spoon while saying "ah!" #tdddod #ToTheBeautifulYou

Some of the other tweets we did also show our full enjoyment of this show:

Yeah... so this show made absolutely no sense.  It did have it's cute moments.  Mostly with side characters.  I think I'm an even bigger Lee Hyun Woo fan now... but yeah.  Good thing for Twitter.  It got us through a ridiculous show that we really didn't need to watch.  Yippee.