Monday, March 30, 2015

Loving the Bad-A Bitca Female Lead Trend

There are a lot of dramas lately with actual feisty female leads.  Girls with foul mouths and actual heavy type problems (not that being poor and hardworking isn't bad, but it is over done).

I'm really enjoying these real women for a change.  So here are some of the strong, rude, bad tempered, and bitca-like female leads who fight hard against all odds.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Memery of 2014... 2015... It's Just Meme Time

Just for fun, I wanted to do a post of memes created mostly for shows in 2014, but maybe I didn't get around to making them until just now... haha.  I'm really lazy when it comes to getting pictures ready.

Anyways, here is some fun.