Thursday, December 6, 2018

327. Where Stars Land 여우각시별 (Korean) 2018

Lee Je Hoon, Chae Soo Bin, Lee Dong Gun, Kim Ji Soo, Kim Kyung Nam, Lee Soo Kyung, Ro Woon

Drama Rating: 5/10     Neck Score: A+

Despite loving all of the actors in this show, it wasn't as good as could be hoped. It either didn't have a plot, or there were too many loose ends in whatever plot it was about. I thought it was about a bunch of people working at an airport who all had some kind of issues, but apparently the real plot was Lee Dong Gun and Lee Je Hoon's issues? Or is it? Was it just the techno arm/he doesn't want to be handicapped deal? Was it really just about the relationship? There were too many little plots to say which was the main plot, but the one that suddenly ended it all was the thrown in at the last minute: hyung's got issues with the mafia and you're broken, son. I guess that sums up the plot. Because that was the one that got the biggest resolution... except there were too many things not explained, so actually there was no real resolution. Did that make me hate the show? Not really. The ending wasn't so much the problem. It was the middle stuff.

So, the show's biggest fault was probably the fact that it got super draggy and all the sudden the leads all started acting like idiots. Well, the main dude, Lee Soo Yeon, did anyway. It was all him making poor life choices because he didn't want to face reality, or because he was mad at his hyung, or because he was so in love that he was going to throw all cation to the wind. I frequently told him he was an idiot too. That's how bad it was.
Haha, tweeting with fat fingers. But whatever, it never got "too" bad. I just had to turn off all practicality and just let the stuff happen.  But in the end, everyone was honest, which was nice. I liked it when they stopped being dumb and got honest. Love me some honesty. Because even if the main couple was boring or silly, there were always the side characters. I was super invested in the security team couple, mostly because I 100% love Kim Kyung Nam.
I also could relate to Na Young Joo (Lee Soo Kyung) even though she was frustrating. As a super closed off emotionally girl myself at times (especially when it comes to romantic relationships) I got her. Even though from my viewer's perspective I thought she was being super silly, because Kim Kyung Nam is adorable, but I still understood where she was coming from. Being an introverted girl coming from a girl caught in a minority position. Both athletes and security guards are not typically female professions (although they have female divisions in sports) and she was probably used to not being taken seriously, which is something she clearly valued. I love that she totally whooped him on the mat and that just made him like her more. I could have had a show just about them. I want it. Their implied ending wasn't quite enough for this shipper.

I really liked the best friend played by Ro Woon. I think that kid is going places. He was so cute. I felt a bit bad for him to just be friend-zoned the entire time. He never had a chance. I don't think he would have even if Soo Yeon wasn't there. Plus his boss was Kim Won Hae (King!!!). His coworker, the pregnant lady and her husband, were awesome too. I loved that department. They were fun. Other

I did like the little episode arcs where they were just dealing with their jobs, the little things. Some of them were super cute and some were super preachy. It just depended. The overall message at times seemed to be: treat the airport employees nicely. The customer is not always right, and they are just doing their jobs trying to keep you safe, etc. That being said, there were some really ridiculous situations, which were handled so badly by some of the employees or higher ups at times. Would someone really get that upset that they have to throw their water away? Maybe their expensive Iced Americano, but their water? Well maybe someone would, but it really seemed super over-dramatic and forced. Especially the situation. Like no one else would record it- shocker. But other episodes were super fun and cute, like I said.

I just felt that overall they bit off more than they could chew and left with a lot of unanswered questions. What happened to Hyung's dad? Did they reunite? What happened with him and hyung? Are they friends again? Did they really have to have that senseless, overused year gap with no contact? Is he magically healed? Wouldn't it have been better to have him find happiness in his true state? Couldn't he just fully assimilate? Resistance is futile.

So, not bad really, but definitely not great. At least you can still appreciate the great cast, doing there best with a pretty nonsense script. Plus Kim Kyung Nam and Kim Won Hae = Yes, always.