Philadelphia was a bucket list destination for me, so when we decided to go to that concert, I was super stoked. I was a huge American Revolution nerd in high school, so I was super excited to see "the birthplace of the nation" as we liked to say when anyone asked us why we were travelling across the country to see a Korean rock concert. But it really was also just to see a Korean rock concert. I like this destination K-Pop thing we've got going on. I'm seeing more cities than I ever would. It's a nice excuse to travel.
So we were going to be a cool and not rent a car, but do the whole thing with public transportation. We got an awesome apartment in City Center, less than a mile away from Independence Hall. We literally walked passed it everyday to get to the metro station. We only ended up taking the metro because guess what else was in town that weekend? The Philadelphia Marathon. Add construction on top of that and the bus routes were pretty much useless to us. Oh well.
Our flight was delayed, and we just barely made the earlier option to reconnect, but as it was we were homeless until 3pm anyway. We literally wandered around with our suitcases until we could check in. We spent a lot of time in Reading Terminal Market, it was the food that saved us. We were so hungry by that time (since we'd been delayed for so long on a red eye flight already that it had been forever since we'd eaten), that we didn't even take pictures of the food. But let me tell you that was one of the best Reuben's I have ever eaten.
BTW, our apartment building reminded me of Tower of Terror, just because it was like Art Deco-ish.
Anyway, we hopped on the metro for our first trip to the Tower Theater in Upper Darby.

It's okay, we were tired, but excited. We were ready to ROCK!
We are at the point in our lives and K-Pop careers where we know what kind of seats we want. We're too old to not have seats as options when we need them (aka, not the Pit), but also not having any of that cheap nosebleed ticket nonsense. We scored some really nice seats. (I don't know how Curdy woke up late, logged in and somehow got the perfect tickets first try, but she did) in row ff, and right on the middle aisle. You know that aisle where they run down if any of that business happens. Yeah, we were right there.

In fact, I was so into the music and energy, that I almost forgot to take pictures and videos. They were probably almost halfway through it before I realized I had done nothing and I quickly popped out my phone in time for one of my favorites. In fact, it was the song that sealed my passion for them as a done deal. There was no going back at that point.
Basically they were on fire the whole time. We were screaming, they were loving it. They kept commenting on our energy and how it gave them energy, which must have been the case because there wasn't much talking, they literally just burned through their set list, playing and dancing non-stop and it was glorious.
I tried to get some different types of songs. It's hard to say my favorites though, because I pretty much love all their music, but I tried to get some really good clips from some great songs.

They had some really great moments. You could tell they were enjoying themselves immensely. They had their goofy little dances. Young K really liked to hop from one foot to the other. A classic little bassist dance. Jae did tons of those jump strums for the rocking lead parts.

By the end of the show though, I think Lizabreff is team Sungjin, with a strong Jae bias breaker.

I really loved how excited Dowoon was, singing along and just grinning the entire time he was playing his drums. He always seemed so surprised how much everyone loved him too. And believe me, he probably got the loudest cheering. He's just too lovable.

Like I said before, we were right on the aisle and at the end of the show they were all running through the aisle and interacting with us in ways they couldn't before because they were singing, and naturally everyone was taking that opportunity to get some extra high-fives.

It was basically magical and after all the songs were over and we were just waiting for everything to get organized for the fan engagements, we were just grinning and finally sitting down and taking pictures of the arches to send to my dad so he could ID all of the singers who had played at the Tower Theater in the past. Apparently I missed out by not having my air drop on, because people were sending pictures of Day6 and random other K-Pop idols, including Exo and I can't remember who else. It kept us entertained until it was our turn to experience even more magic. The Hi-Touch.
They lined us up against a wall and we had to show wrist bands on our left hands and then be ready to just high five down the line with our right hands. Then, all the sudden, they were right there, with only some tables separating us. I honestly had planned out what I was going to say. I know Lizabreff had practiced what to say in Korean too. But honestly, I only managed to get out some weak practically whispered thank yous.
But what impressed me was that even after playing for that long and already going through all the group photos, they were still so personable. They all looked me in the eye and were putting energy behind the high-fives. Young K was even leaning over the table and being very chummy with everyone.
Lizabreff ended up "gently cupping" Jae's hand. At first accidentally, but then she just went for it and made her he knew she appreciated him. I'm sure he did, but we still never let her live it down the rest of the trip, making all kinds of pyeontae noona jokes.
From what I remember, Wonpil's high-five was great, we had that awkward moment of "yeah, let's touch because we appreciate the love if not the touching." I managed to whisper Gamsahamnida. Then I was bombarded immediately with an uber friendly Young K high five which ended all attempts to say anything but thank you. But I loved how personable he was. Then I was awed by how tall Jae actually is, because Lizabreff kindly pointed that out earlier. Also, I lean slightly his way, so I was also awed by how attractive he is too. But then Sungjin also jumped in with another super friendly high five. These guys all make you feel like they're your buddy. Then I had a great moment (for me at least) when I smiled and high-fived Dowoon. He seemed to really love every smile and high five too. Really, they just all seem like really great guys.
We didn't get home until after midnight. We literally caught the last train, but then so did half the concert crowd, so it was a nice full train.
The rest of the trip was us being super touristy. We stayed four more days, and it was heavenly! I loved Philly. I would live there. Especially if K-Pop concerts continued to be a thing there. But this is from where it started to be all about the food. The food and the museums. Yay! So I'll end with a collection of food shots. Because I can.