Itagaki Mizuki, Matsui Airi
Drama Rating: 7/10 Neck Score: A

Short and sweet perfectly describes this show. I hadn't watched a Japanese drama in a while, so when I saw all the praise I thought I would try it. It was exactly as they said. Super cute, with a couple who communicates well, and a heck of a lot of kissing. It's about a couple who get married after one meeting, for various reasons, and then we get to see them work it out into a really lovely marriage. They are super awkward at first, which is perfect, and then they slowly learn to open up, slowly get to know each other, and rather quickly get to the physical stuff because when you're already married and that attracted to each other, why not? But with every episode there is a newly discovered potential problem to figure out, but the great thing is that while they may not immediately just talk about it and try to solve it, they are constantly trying and they do talk if they can't figure it out right away. Basically this show is a cup of sunshine and a good short watch, especially if you need a huge dose of cute + skinship.