Lee Na Young, Jang Hyuk, Angela Kelly, Na Moon Hee
Movie rating: 7/10 Neck score: A
This movie was a lot more funny than I thought it would be. I was expecting something super campy, and it kind of was, but as peeps with experience in teaching English, or as anyone who has taken any foreign language classes, it was much more hilarious. Lee Na Young was amazing. I loved her little cartoon character, inner thoughts, and especially their dreams. Those language learner dreams were amazing. Jang Hyuk was great as the "playboy" who was really just an awkward big talker. Their relationship was funny, and like most movies developed quickly but a bit naturally. Naturally there was plenty of misunderstandings. I was worried about that English teacher at first. She seemed like a bad teacher and a bit slutty at first. But she became hilarious and a lovable character, especially when we learned more about her and her "type." It is definitely 2003, but not in a bad way. It's cute and hilarious. I especially loved Lee Beom Soo's cameo. We were watching for it and it was delightful. The important thing to remember is that it is a bit campy and they are certainly not trying to take themselves serious. It's supposed to be funny and ridiculous, and it is. It is also sweet and relatable, especially for those language teachers and learners.