Lee Seung Gi, Shin Min Ah, No Min Woo
Drama rating: 8/10 Neck score: A+
My first drama, so of course it has a special place in my heart, but it's also a really good drama. It's hilarious, as is typical for the Hong Sisters, I soon learned, and a good balance of drama and the other necessary evils. Plus both the leads are super attractive, necks included. It was a great place to start for me. I especially loved their relationship. It started out as a butt headed boy conning/helping a mythological creature (a Gumiho- 9 Tailed Fox that eats men's livers to become human) in what seems to be a mutually helpful agreement, even though he's constantly scared she'll eat him and grows in the cutest way. I love how obsessed with meat she is. Shin Min Ah is amazing, just saying. She plays the Gumiho so delightfully sincere. Loved it.