Thursday, April 19, 2018

298. You're My Pet きみはペット (2017) Japanese

Noriko Iriyama, Jun Shison, Terunosuke Takezai, Yurina Yanagi, Kayo Noro

Drama Rating: 6/10     Neck Score: A+++

I'm not quite sure how to start this. I watched the Korean movie version of this a while ago... twice... so obviously this adaptation made me super curious. It was much better, in fact. Partially because it has more time to develop the plot and characters, but also because that kid was just perfect for the role (although I have nothing against Jang Geun Suk). He made the perfect Momo. That perfect combo of cute puppy and suddenly sexy.

I really liked Simure. I liked how well fleshed out her character was, and how relatable she was as the career woman who is awkward in personal relations. It was great to see how unbalanced she was as everyone called her an elite, but really she's an awkward normal person who tries really hard at life, but still seems to have no confidence in her love life, etc. I loved how the show was really about her growth as a person, and how her different relationships affected her. The logical "high specs" boyfriend, or the "pet" who she can be natural around.

This show was definitely a guilty pleasure, because the concept of a pet is a bit absurd when it is taken literally. And since it was fairly innocent between her and Momo, it really came down to her treating or viewing a person as more of an animal and safe, a family member at best. Which allowed her to keep Momo around while dating her boyfriend without completely feeling like she was cheating, although she knew no one else would see it that way. It was interesting even to the point of her best friend and sister just accepting that her pet was a human boy. Her friend would even trust her child around him (which was adorable, btw). So there is some suspension of disbelief there.

I do like how we got to see relationships develop as well. I could appreciate both Hasumi Senpai and Momo, and see her ending up with either. I also like how they developed it so that it wasn't just all the sudden changing her mind, but that we started seeing the signs of change long before the actual changes.

That was good. So it was cute and sexy- boy was there a lot of sexy time. Whew! It has a good pace and it was an enjoyable little show to watch. I feel way less weird about watching this one than the movie (but I still liked the movie). Just saying.